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SWIM AND DIVE~ The Swim and Dive team needs new warm up jackets that are years old and in need of replacement WISH ~ 100 jackets at $50 each = $5000 60 JACKETS PURCHASED - THANK YOU HAWK FAMILIES! - ONLY 40 MORE NEEDED


WRESTLING~ The Wrestling team needs replacing an ancient wrestling mat that is rather expensive.  They are asking for help to make this happen sooner by aiding the Athletic Department in the cost of the mat.  WISH~ New Wresting MAT!  Est total of $12,000


CHEER~ The Cheer coach is asking for help to buy two new signs for games and competitions and a tumbling mat for practices. 2 5x10’ Mats $200/each WISH~ 2 signs $60 each and Mat $400 Total~ $520


SCIENCE OLYMPIAD~ The Science Olympiad coach is asking for help to offset the costs to go to nationals for the students.  They have attended the last 11/12 years and have 15 students attend.  Each student must come up with $500 for travel and stay expenses.  Would any help this year! WISH~ help with travel expenses for nationals! $500 for 15 students Est. Total of $7,500


THEATER TECHNICAL DIRECTOR~ WISHES~ 1. Set of wireless microphones $8691.00 2. Schoen Productions Lighting Gear with labor $3500 3. Altman LED lights $958x10= $21,771


VARSITY GOLF~ WISH~ Coach would like new golf bags with embroidery at $250/bag Total $2000


GIRLS SOCCER~ New Camcorder for game film, Coach iPad is now 7 years old and not working well. Inflatable Mannequins to help for GK training, and easy to store and use when having access to turf and a new Coerver Goal as the LPS grounds crew dented one and looking to replace it.  Wish~ 1. Camcorder $200, 2. Mannequins $100 each (6)=$600 and 3. Coerver Goal $915 Total=$1715


SOFTBALL~ WISHES~ 1. Gator $7000 2. Cart for hauling equipment to/from field $1000 3. Rapsodo Machine $3000 Total=$11,000


BASEBALL~ WISHES~ 1. Dugout Jackets $3000 2.  Jr Hack Attack Est $2000 Total=$5000


EMERALDS DANCE TEAM~ WISHES~ 1. Rain jackets for games with screen printing for 24 dancers ($770) 2.  PINK POMS for Breast Cancer Awareness month 24 dancers $25/pair $600 or POMS same purpose not as great of quality 24 pairs $340 Total= $1120-$1370


TRACK AND CROSS COUNTRY~ The coaches need a Portable Tent for events to help promote social distancing.  Track does maintain a shoe closet of gently used running shoes and track spikes.  They have helped kids on free/reduced lunch purchase new shoes if their size is not available in the closed at school.  They would be grateful to have some $100 gift cards to Fleet Feet, The Running Company and Scheels.  and the third wish is the Coaches facility need of a new discus cage.  WISH~ 1. Tent $1500, 2. $ for Gift Cards for shoes (?5), 3.  New Discus Cage est. $1700 Total- $3200 + $100/for gift cards TENT HAS BEEN PURCHASED - THANK YOU HAWK FAMILIES!


INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC~FARHLANDER~ Purchasing a new guitar providing students an opportunity to explore the electric guitar.  It will also provide guitarists in jazz band a suitable guitar to play Jazz as not all students own a guitar geared toward playing the jazz idiom.  New marching bell frames.  The bell set is quite heavy and are used frequently for marching band and show choir.  Typically, bells don’t last as long as we would like due to students dropping them due to the weight.  The instrumental department is also currently short on suspended symbol stands.  These have not been replaced in many years and are currently shabbily assembled from a variety of disparate stands.  WISHES~ 1. Electric Guitar $650 2. Marching Bell Frame $596.25 3. Suspended Symbol Stands $251.80 Total= $1497


INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC~MATHIS~ The bass drums that our varsity marching band use are ready for a new set of drumheads next year and that will also require replacing the rims.  This will also allow to better turn the instruments and have the students playing on high quality instruments and given them a better experience with equipment that is in top shape.  May Stadium Stands would provide an important piece of equipment for the marching percussion section. These stands would allow students to rehearse and perform in the stands more comfortably by not having them wear their drums the entire rehearsal.  This protects our equipment by removing the risk of drums falling when constantly mounting and dismounting from the harness.  This is a crucial piece of equipment that would really make our students fell like they are in top group and allow us as the teachers to help take their education to the next level.  The Zildjain Crotales has become a staple in both percussion ensemble and concert band literature over the past 10-15 years.  Having access to this instrument would allow us to expand the breadth of percussion ensemble literature more regularly, which is one of Mathis goals over the next few years.  It would also give the percussionists a unique opportunity to learn how to take care of an instruments from day 1 and perform on a new instrument.  WISHES~ 1. Marching Bass Drum Rims (2 for each bass drum, #8) $1300 2. Randall May Stadium Stands (5 snare, 1 tenor, 5 bass) $2114 3. Zildijan Crotales (low and high octave) $1700 each at $3400 Total $6844 


VOLLEYBALL~WISHES~1. 36 new backpacks to total 50 with our existing approx. $1700. Boxes (two would be great) approx. $150/box 3. iPad approx. $200-300 Total=$2300


TENNIS~ The Tennis coach would really like a ball machine.  The one they had was under water, then the LSW tennis courts flooded, and the district would not replace it.  This would be great for players to work on their ground strokes.  They could always use cases of tennis ball.  WISH~ Ball Machine $2000 and Tennis Balls $65/case Total $2325


FOOTBALL~WISH~Arms for our pop-up pads, would like at least two sets $135/set, PASS and SNAP trainer (throwing cart on wheels) $600, 20 Black Practice Jerseys- these would be used as a reward/Motivation for our Defense- similar to Blackshirts of Nebraska $20/each and we would need 20 total. $400 WISH~ Pop-up pads $270, PASS AND SNAP Trainer $600 and Black Practice Jerseys for Defense $400 Total~ $1270 - WISH FULFILLED/NO MORE DONATIONS NEEDED - THANK YOU HAWK FAMILIES!!


ADOPT-A-HAWK~WISH~ donation to Adopt-A-Hawk towards the purchase of ten yearbooks to be donated to the school counseling center for distribution to student identified by counselors as unable to purchase one on their own. First priority would be given to seniors who are graduating.  $600


FORENSICS~ They have a “suit closet” with donated suits for competitors. WISH~ Suits for competitors ($75 each), Competition supplies (Easels, portfolios, padfolios) $125, Educational Materials (Play Scripts, Poetry Books and Debate Briefs $300 Total Est. $725


GIRLS BASKETBALL~ WISH~New Backpacks $50/each 28 players $1400, 2 Rolling bags $150/each for away games $300 and a new iPad for coach for states $400 Total~ $2100


BOYS SOCCER~ WISH~ Portable goal $1200 and the Mannequins are $120/mannequin (5) Total~$1800




CHOIR~ WISH~1. Collapsible/Portable mirrors 4x6 Portable mirror with wheels (6) $3600 2. Commercial Garment Steamer ($110) 3. small basic sewing machine ($100) 4. Big collapsible wagon ($120) Total~$3930

As a non-profit organization, donations are considered gifts to the Silver Hawks Booster Club and our sports programs.

Unless there is an extreme circumstance, all donations are considered non-refundable. Thank you for your understanding.

Copyright © 2020 by Silver Hawks Booster Club

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